All Disease Begins in the Gut - Hippocrates

The pathway to good health is confusing. There are so many different diets, guides, experts etc.. that its hard to know where to turn sometimes. I know for myself the road has not been easy. I struggled with many physical and emotional symptoms and discomfort.  I was wrought with poor body image, disordered eating and obsessive thoughts.  I tried so many different things to get it "under control" and yet I undoubtedly always felt less in control than ever. My appearance, energy, enthusiasm, empathy and ability to relate to others diminished.  I was overweight, lethargic, and nutrient deficient from poor eating and lifestyle habits.  

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About 12 years ago I hit rock bottom. I realized that unless I began to understand, and treat the cause of my symptoms - physical and emotional, I wasn't going to live the vibrant and life of service that I had dreamed of.  I began to study how Ashtanga yoga and breath and Ayurveda work together to balance out the individual in accordance with the environment. My work with that method illuminated a whole new level of intimacy with my digestion and I made intuitive and recommended changes in my diet and lifestyle to maintain the higher vibration of health I began to experience.  As the years went on, I added other methods including more controlled breathwork, Yin Yoga, Meditation, Tao and Chinese Medicine to further refine my quality of wellness.  The changes were not hard as it was almost as though I was uncovering an intrinsic remembering that my brain and belly already knew.  

What I learned was that the root cause of all physical and emotional disease begins in the gut. It is essential that our small intestine remains sealed and healthy - free from permeations and inflammation.  And we have to treat the root cause, not the symptom, and this is different for every person.  In Western Medicine, the symptom is often treated first, and very generically - and there is a place for it. However, when it comes to nutrition I believe strongly in understanding the unique make up of your gut and addressing its strength of transforming and absorbing food into usable nutrients as a portal for healing and optimal physical, mental and spiritual well-being.  

I am thrilled to be on this journey with you, distilling these methods onto you as they have served me in immeasurable ways.  Below are some symptoms that often appear when the gut is not functioning at its highest capacity;  

  • Food Sensitivity & Food Allergies

  • Basic gas or bloating & Cramping

  • Irritable Bowel Disease, Syndrome including Crohns or Ulcerative Colitis

  • Autoimmune Disease

  • Thyroid and/or Adrenal Issues

  • Nutrient Malabsorption especially Trace Minerals like Zn, Selenium, Mg and Iron

  • Skin Issues such as eczema & acne

  • Mood and Brain Issues such as ADHD & Autism

If you suffer from any of these symptoms, please message me to begin uncovering the root of your discomfort or disease. You can heal yourself by peeling back the layers and treating them skillfully and mindfully. 


10 Tips For Taking Care of Your Digestive System