The “I Deserve to Eat This” Mentality


In this episode we explore how to change our mindset around food, specifically focusing on the mentality of 'I deserve to eat this.' Learn how this mentality can keep us trapped in emotional eating cycles and discover strategies to reframe it.

We talk about the importance of recognizing that the voice saying 'I deserve to eat this' is often an immature, primitive self and that we have the power to choose not to listen to it. Alana addresses the justifications and underlying feelings that drive this mentality and emphasizes the need to align our eating choices with our core beliefs and higher self.


  • The mentality of 'I deserve to eat this' can keep us trapped in emotional eating cycles and prevent lasting change.

  • Recognize that the voice saying 'I deserve to eat this' is often an immature, primitive self, and you have the power to choose not to listen to it.

  • Understand the justifications and underlying feelings that drive the 'I deserve to eat this' mentality.

  • Align your eating choices with your core beliefs and higher self to achieve lasting change.


00:00 Introduction: Changing Your Mindset Around Food

02:01 The Immature Voice of 'I Deserve to Eat This'

03:28 Justifying the 'I Deserve to Eat This' Mentality

07:25 Understanding the True Meaning of Deserving Food

09:23 Exploring the Underlying Feelings and Needs

13:49 Breaking the Habit of 'I Deserve to Eat This'

15:17 Aligning Your Eating Choices with Core Beliefs

17:41 Recognizing Your Worthiness and Higher Self

18:39 Conclusion: Embracing Lasting Change


Healing from Emotional Eating vs Losing Weight