Healing from Emotional Eating vs Losing Weight


Discover the differences between a healing journey and a weight loss journey, in this episode, and learn about the importance of focusing on healing emotional eating rather than solely on achieving weight loss results.

Alana shares her personal experiences and insights, highlighting the need to address the root causes of emotional eating before pursuing weight loss. Discover how inner work, belief system and identity shift, are building blocks to healing emotional eating.


  • Focus on healing emotional eating rather than solely on weight loss results.

  • Address the root causes of emotional eating before pursuing weight loss.

  • Shift your belief system and identity narrative to support lasting change.

  • Create a vision for a healthy and happy life to guide your journey.


00:00 Introduction: Healing Journey vs Weight Loss Journey

03:19 Difference Between Healing and Results

07:08 Healing Emotional Eating

09:59 Weight Loss as Makeup

10:30 Importance of Inner Work

12:00 Belief System and Identity Shift

14:24 Permanent Sustainable Weight Loss

16:20 Building Blocks to Healing Emotional Eating

23:06 Importance of Vision and Beliefs

25:32 Upgrade Your Operating System

26:59 Healing as a Lifelong Journey

27:27 Conclusion and Next Steps


Mindset Blocks That Lead to Emotional Eating Behaviors


The “I Deserve to Eat This” Mentality